Southern California Arts Festival

  Jewish Year 5778

  Sept 2017 -  Sept 2018


Jewish Arts Festival

The Bread & Salt Experience

We are bringing together numerous Jewish organizations throughout Southern California to explore contemporary, historic, and ritual aspects of food through exhibitions, workshops, and creative place-making.  Find out more


Bill Aron, Damascus Gate Outside, Multi Image Panorama of Israel (Image Above)           


Schedule of Exhibits By Each venue

& Events

Spanning the Jewish year and taking on a festival approach, Bread & Salt is a series of meaningful forums engaging the public through exhibitions, performance, dance, and learning opportunities. Our multi-venue approach encourages participants to travel between sites using cultural curiosity as a way to attract Angelenos to our diverse partners.


Hillel SMith, Hamotzi Mural, photograph of Bibi's Bakery & Cafe Mural, Los Angeles, CA

Karen Koblitz, Untitled installation (in progress), 2015, 23" ht., width and depth variable, porcelain

Ruth Weisberg, The Bread of Affliction, 2001: Mixed Media Drawing on Paper


Bill AroN, Apples and Honey, photograph

DIY Workshops

3rd Doikayt, an arts:Yiddish community seder at the Westside JCC | organized by Yiddishkayt and the Jewish Artists Initiative .jpg


How to get involved:



Visit each venue during this year long project. See how Jewish artists throughout our region are inspired by food and faith.


Check out our special events and meet-ups connected to Bread & Salt. These happenings can "pop-up" around the city, independent of exhibition sites.

DIY Workshops & Events

We will be hosting a series of DIY Workshops and events at various venue sites. Check out each venue listing for more details.


Let's Connect!

Check out our social media feeds for up-to-date information. If you want to get involved in Bread & Salt then please reach out. We are looking for artists, sponsors, and program collaborators. Click here for artist and sponsor info!






Hebrew Union College JIR-LA , American Jewish University (AJU), UCLA Hillel, UCLA Center for Jewish Studies, USC Hillel, Jewish Women’s Theater, NuART Pop-Up Exhibitions, Valley Beth Shalom (VBS), and USC Israeli Arts & Humanities. More coming soon...
